economic indicator

economic indicator
эк., стат. экономический показатель [индикатор\] (абсолютный или относительный показатель, характеризующий тенденции в протекании каких-л. экономических процессов на уровне экономики в целом, отдельных отраслей и рынков или отдельных экономических субъектов; напр., на макроуровне это ВВП, темп экономического роста, совокупный спрос, уровень безработицы и т. д., на макроуровне — размер прибыли компании, оборачиваемость активов компании, соотношение величины дивидендов и прибыли на одну акцию и т. д.)
macroeconomic indicator, microeconomic indicator, federal budget 2) , social indicator, budget, customer demand, personal spending, consumer credit, inflation, money supply, unemployment, employment report, jobless claims, help-wanted index, productivity, factory orders, building permits, housing starts, Redbook, unit labour cost, business inventories, wholesale inventory, wholesale price index, consumer price index, Purchasing Manager Index, Consumer Confidence Index, capacity utilization, balance of trade, balance of payments, import prices, export prices, Confederation of British Industry, coincident indicators, lagging indicators, leading indicators, budget assumption, comparable prices, deflator, building permits, budget assumption, capping, economic aggregate, federal budget, general price level, genuine progress indicator, inflow of funds
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1) экономический показатель; 2) экономические показатели
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экономический индикатор
. статистические данные, показывающие общие тенденции в экономике; . Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "economic indicator" в других словарях:

  • economic indicator — ➔ indicator * * * economic indicator UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS ► information that shows how well or badly an economy is doing: »A few national economic indicators suggest the economy had begun to strengthen. »He compiles an index of local leading… …   Financial and business terms

  • economic indicator — UK US noun [countable] [singular economic indicator plural economic indicators] a quantity that is used to measure a particular feature of the economy Thesaurus: economy and economicshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • Economic indicator — Economics …   Wikipedia

  • Economic Indicator — A piece of economic data, usually of macroeconomic scale, that is used by investors to interpret current or future investment possibilities and judge the overall health of an economy. Economic indicators can potentially be anything the investor… …   Investment dictionary

  • economic indicator — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms economic indicator : singular economic indicator plural economic indicators a quantity that is used to measure a particular feature of the economy …   English dictionary

  • economic indicator — Statistic used to determine the state of general economic activity or to predict it in the future. A leading indicator is one that tends to turn up or down before the general economy does (e.g., building permits, common stock prices, and business …   Universalium

  • ECONOMIC INDICATOR — (экономический индикатор) статистические данные, показывающие общие тенденции в экономике; …   Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов

  • economic indicator — criterion or measure of the state of the economy …   English contemporary dictionary

  • economic indicator — /ˌi:kənɒmɪk ɪndɪkeɪtəz/ noun various statistics, e.g. for the unemployment rate or overseas trade, which show how the economy is going to perform in the short or long term …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • leading economic indicator — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms leading economic indicator : singular leading economic indicator plural leading economic indicators economics an economic indicator (= quantity used to measure something about the economy) that shows something… …   English dictionary

  • leading economic indicator — UK US noun [countable] [singular leading economic indicator plural leading economic indicators] economics an economic indicator (=quantity used to measure somet …   Useful english dictionary

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